Tuesday 16 April 2013

We had our first "Stroller Mall Walk" today & look who joined us......Beautiful Twins:
Angels Jhayson and Jhenae Murray
Their life is a Miracle to everyone who came by to see them. Their Mom says everywhere they go people wanna talk and ask questions about them.
They are attracting so many & they aren't even 1yr yet....WOW!!


Monday 15 April 2013

You are a POWERMOM!

Because Mother’s Day is truely Everyday.
This APRIL 27th 2013
 I am Glad to Bring Back Our “POWERMOM Shoot”
Cost: $60.00
All Images Edited, Black/White & Color corrected
Spots are Limited: Email inquiries@kamshuka.com

There will be a stylist on set who will help you choose your outfits if you need help. Come
 ready & excited  to take some great shots.

We will take approximately 10images.
1.Your child
2.You & your child together
4. Your individual PowerMom Shot

Friday 22 March 2013

Strollers everywhere.....

Just what some of my FABMoms & Babies Get together look like.....
If your a new mom, experienced mom or a mom to a baby & you would like more info send me an email. Our next potluck meeting is March 26th @ 11am.
See you there....xoxox

Thursday 21 March 2013

Balance... What's That?

Well there are days I believe that there is NO SUCH THING as Balance & other days I think I've got it down. I am always suprised by what my conclusions bring me to....LOL
Well when I think about it, balancing family, children of different age groups, running a business, building a brand, doing homework, cooking, cleaning,being a friend, sister, daughter, mother. It can seem like alot. But when I think about it my life would be empty without these little people in  it.

The house would be empty & just too quiet. I think its safe to say that THEY KEEP ME BALANCED. Did I really just say that?? Well I can be a little crazy sometimes, but its true they keep me balanced, they remind me why I do what I do, they keep me on track every-time I hear "Mommmmmmmy".......LOL

 They keep me so Balanced that when my son was 4months, I started my "mommy group". Now I have not one baby to keep me balanced but almost 10other FABMoms & Babies who come together, to chat & watch out babies play together. Together we are learning, laughing, sharing & together we are growing.
So there you have it. My Babies keep me balanced everytime. If you like more info on when we meet send me an email for details.

So to all those wonderful people who don't understand what it means to be a mom & have to balance life, here is a little cartoon for ya:

I think are Children are catching on.....LOL

Thursday 7 March 2013

Little People & March Break

 Hey Mama! Are you trying to find some activities for your little people? Well.... Here are some ideas we might be trying out during next week with our Little People.

Visit the site for more info: www.citypass.com

Get a City Pass to Toronto, & Explore your City. 
Toronto CityPASS is a booklet of admission tickets to Toronto’s 5 must-see attractions at 39% off the combined admission price. Save CAD$ 63.96 per adult and CAD$ 37.96 per youth, ages 4–12.
CityPASS booklets are valid for nine consecutive days beginning with the first day of use.
Skip most ticket lines once you have your ticket booklet. (You may encounter a line when you exchange a voucher for a booklet.)

Booklets include one-time admission tickets, detailed attraction information, coupons and a map.

Experience the Following Attractions:


TIFF NEW DigiPlayhouse
The TIFF Kids digiPlaySpace is an interactive exhibition where kids will engage with emerging creative media technologies and innovative artistic experiences!

Its $8.00 per person starting at Age 3yrs
Will last about 1-2HOURS to go through the center & activities depending on your child's speed.

ALSO Check out your Local Church & Communities for March Break Camps.

Monday 11 February 2013

Mini Babies LOVE Day Shoot



 Celebrate this Valentine's Day 
with a:

Mini Photoshoot for your Baby
5 Selected Images with Props
Images on Cd, print ready
For more information email: inquiries@kamshuka.com

Thursday 7 February 2013