Tuesday 16 April 2013

We had our first "Stroller Mall Walk" today & look who joined us......Beautiful Twins:
Angels Jhayson and Jhenae Murray
Their life is a Miracle to everyone who came by to see them. Their Mom says everywhere they go people wanna talk and ask questions about them.
They are attracting so many & they aren't even 1yr yet....WOW!!


Monday 15 April 2013

You are a POWERMOM!

Because Mother’s Day is truely Everyday.
This APRIL 27th 2013
 I am Glad to Bring Back Our “POWERMOM Shoot”
Cost: $60.00
All Images Edited, Black/White & Color corrected
Spots are Limited: Email inquiries@kamshuka.com

There will be a stylist on set who will help you choose your outfits if you need help. Come
 ready & excited  to take some great shots.

We will take approximately 10images.
1.Your child
2.You & your child together
4. Your individual PowerMom Shot