Thursday 7 February 2013

To Pacifier or NOT?

Would you Give your Child a Pacifier? Why? Why not?

My "Push Present" Wish List!!

Push Present??? Yup, I said it!!

Origin: The tradition of gift-giving to commemorate a birth has long roots from England and India. The term "push present" first appeared in a publication in 1992.

According to Linda Murray, the executive editor of, "It’s more and more an expectation of moms these days that they deserve something for bearing that baby. The guilt (for the father) really gets piled on."

Other sources trace the development of the push present to the increased assertiveness of women, allowing them to ask for a present more directly, or the increased involvement of the men in pregnancy, making them more informed of the pain and difficulties of pregnancy and labor.  But don't worry. C-section moms definitely deserve push present too!

So here's my Wish List:
 Come On? Its pretty Simple compared to carrying a precious baby for 9 months. The aches, pains, swelling, emotional roller coasters, the constant urge to pee, the forming of another human being growing and kicking around inside my womb, the disappearance of your waistline and everything else that comes with it. Aside from making mid-night runs to the store (or fridge), a push present is the least hubby can do.

 You've given him the Gift of Life!! I'm sure he'll understand!
Push Presents are a growing trend amongst Celebrity Moms, but to the average Mom its just an overall way of saying "Thank You Honey."

Here are just a few examples:
  • Tori Spelling, who recently had her third baby named Liam,  received from hubby Dean McDermott a $1500 Balenciaga Giant Arena Bag as her push present.
  • Naomi Watts and Gwyneth Paltrow,  received the word "mama" formed in a circle of 18K white gold and 14k yellow gold with diamonds on a Tali Gilette Mama Necklace. 
  •  Jessica Simpson is set to receive a $30,000 Push Surprise Present & the list goes on.............
I THINK THEY ARE ON TO SOMETHING.........whatever the price is 
"Your Deserving of a little Spoiling Mama!"

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Power of Laughter

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” Mark Twain
                                                                              Laughter is so Powerful, & we need it to be apart of how we communicate with our children.  Our kids are watching our expressions, they judge our faces to determine our behaviors that follow. When people are happy, their faces get more animated and more expressive. Humor, Laughter & Smiles bring strength to our day. Choose Happiness all the days of your life. Laughter boosts our energy and makes the pain of tears be forgotten.

According to here are some Health Benefits of Laughter:
  • Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  • Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
  • Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
  • Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

 Here is something to make you laugh..... XOXO


Tuesday 5 February 2013

Welcome Baby Camille

Welcome Baby Camille, Thank you for visiting with US today.

Enjoy,Share & Contribute

Hello Friends, Yes thats suppose to be me...LOL

Hope your having a good morning.

As I am sure you've experienced, sometimes as Moms, Entrepreneurs & Wives we are always juggling the obvious.  I have a 9yr old, 7yr old & a soon to be 9month year old. They keep my life interested & always full. I will keep this blog site catering to the different age groups.

I created "FABMoms & Babies Blog" site for the MOMpreneur, the multitasking moms manage their busy lives. I will include articles, events, advice and tips on parenting, pregnancy, Mommy fashion, kids, & health. I believe that weather your a New Mom or Experienced Mom ~ You can be Fabulous  too.


Much Luv

Monday 4 February 2013

9months of Baby Weight

I thought it would take forever to get here... Finally 9months later I feel like i am getting to my pre-pregnancy body back. Feels like I'm back mentally & emotional as well.

Sometimes the pressures of having to stay fit & healthy at the same time seem just too stressful, but I think its when you don't focus on the numbers on the scale & just want to be healthy, can you really see the reasons behind your need to get back to normal.
Personally, I don't have the time for the gym, I have tried it numerous times, but I just can't get the motivation to head on over, so I've always looked for ways to get that workout without having to trek to the gym after a long day.
Nearly 3months ago I discovered the amazing "BellyDance Workout". I love to dance & attending once a week brought that sexy side of me out. Got me excited about the possibilities.

Finding that balance between working on my Brand & running a household gets really crazy & adding a workout session isn't possible for me.  So when I'm not working you can find me squeezing my little guy.  My arms can be attributed to my son's chunky~ness & all the playing we do.  Now thats how I like it, he simple workout when you don't even know your working out.
I play some music & just dance, play airplane with my son and tackle my older kids when I'm home. Now that's not a bad workout plan for a busy mom, what do you think?
But  If you can't find a sitter for the kids...allow them to be apart of your workout!! Be Motivated, Don't Give up, It will take time, But you'll get there...
I try to not eat after 8pm. I am mindful of my meals & portions most of the time & when I forget, thats just it, I forgot.
Getting your mind set to be Fit & Healthy Is altogether an everyday chore. 
But If I can do it, So can YOU.
This is my workout with my daughter

Dr. Kevin Leman in Toronto