Friday 22 March 2013

Strollers everywhere.....

Just what some of my FABMoms & Babies Get together look like.....
If your a new mom, experienced mom or a mom to a baby & you would like more info send me an email. Our next potluck meeting is March 26th @ 11am.
See you there....xoxox

Thursday 21 March 2013

Balance... What's That?

Well there are days I believe that there is NO SUCH THING as Balance & other days I think I've got it down. I am always suprised by what my conclusions bring me to....LOL
Well when I think about it, balancing family, children of different age groups, running a business, building a brand, doing homework, cooking, cleaning,being a friend, sister, daughter, mother. It can seem like alot. But when I think about it my life would be empty without these little people in  it.

The house would be empty & just too quiet. I think its safe to say that THEY KEEP ME BALANCED. Did I really just say that?? Well I can be a little crazy sometimes, but its true they keep me balanced, they remind me why I do what I do, they keep me on track every-time I hear "Mommmmmmmy".......LOL

 They keep me so Balanced that when my son was 4months, I started my "mommy group". Now I have not one baby to keep me balanced but almost 10other FABMoms & Babies who come together, to chat & watch out babies play together. Together we are learning, laughing, sharing & together we are growing.
So there you have it. My Babies keep me balanced everytime. If you like more info on when we meet send me an email for details.

So to all those wonderful people who don't understand what it means to be a mom & have to balance life, here is a little cartoon for ya:

I think are Children are catching on.....LOL