Monday 4 February 2013

9months of Baby Weight

I thought it would take forever to get here... Finally 9months later I feel like i am getting to my pre-pregnancy body back. Feels like I'm back mentally & emotional as well.

Sometimes the pressures of having to stay fit & healthy at the same time seem just too stressful, but I think its when you don't focus on the numbers on the scale & just want to be healthy, can you really see the reasons behind your need to get back to normal.
Personally, I don't have the time for the gym, I have tried it numerous times, but I just can't get the motivation to head on over, so I've always looked for ways to get that workout without having to trek to the gym after a long day.
Nearly 3months ago I discovered the amazing "BellyDance Workout". I love to dance & attending once a week brought that sexy side of me out. Got me excited about the possibilities.

Finding that balance between working on my Brand & running a household gets really crazy & adding a workout session isn't possible for me.  So when I'm not working you can find me squeezing my little guy.  My arms can be attributed to my son's chunky~ness & all the playing we do.  Now thats how I like it, he simple workout when you don't even know your working out.
I play some music & just dance, play airplane with my son and tackle my older kids when I'm home. Now that's not a bad workout plan for a busy mom, what do you think?
But  If you can't find a sitter for the kids...allow them to be apart of your workout!! Be Motivated, Don't Give up, It will take time, But you'll get there...
I try to not eat after 8pm. I am mindful of my meals & portions most of the time & when I forget, thats just it, I forgot.
Getting your mind set to be Fit & Healthy Is altogether an everyday chore. 
But If I can do it, So can YOU.
This is my workout with my daughter

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